The Big Conversation – help shape the future of your local hospitals
We’re refreshing our strategy for University Hospitals Sussex, which will look ahead to define where we want to be in 2030, and set out a road map to get there.
It will build on progress since UHSussex was formed in 2021 and help us to:
- understand our identity, purpose and priorities for patients, staff and our wider communities
- make the most of our many assets and strengths
- develop our plans to tackle the challenges we face across the NHS.
The Big Conversation is now closed – thank you for your feedback
We’re an organisation that lives by its values with inclusion being one of those values. Through our Big Conversation we heard from our patients, our partners and the community we serve, to ensure the new strategy is meaningful and makes a difference to healthcare.
Thank you to everyone who shared their insight, experience and feedback with us.
Roxanne Smith, Chief Strategy Officer at UHSussex, talking about the Big Conversation at a conference in October.
Why is this important?
There are three key reasons we’re developing our strategy now:
- It’s an important time of change in the health and care system. We have a new government with a key focus on ‘Building an NHS fit for the future’ and a Sussex Integrated Care System that is committed to developing services and doing more in collaboration to better meet the needs of local communities. As one of the largest trusts in the country, we need a strategy that helps UHSussex to contribute to these local and national priorities.
- We heard the feedback from our people. Our colleagues said they needed clarity around priorities, the opportunity to step back from operational pressures and look to the future, and to plan for their services and teams on a multi-year basis.
- We have strategic building blocks that we need to fit together for the overall benefit of patients, staff and wider communities. These include our single improvement plan, estates master-planning, and existing strategies including our clinical strategy, research and innovation and sustainability amongst others.
What’s next?
Like all conversations, our Big Conversation will evolve as we act on the feedback we’ve heard to refine and shape it further.
If you’d like to stay informed and involved then please email [email protected] letting us know your name, whether you are a patient (current or recent) or member of the public and your contact email address for us to follow up with you.