Physiotherapy (Brighton & Haywards Heath)
Our physiotherapists help restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when you are affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability.
Musculoskeletal out-patients (MSK)
Our musculoskeletal physiotherapists treat a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, joints, bones, nerves, ligaments and soft tissues.
Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
The cardiorespiratory team provides care 24/7 to a wide range of inpatients across many specialties.
Neurological physiotherapy
Neurological physiotherapists are specialists in conditions that affects the brain and nerves.
Specialist services
Our specialist physiotherapy offers a comprehensive service for assessing and treating a wide variety of complaints.
Children’s physiotherapy
Our children's physiotherapists help children with conditions that affect their movement or body. They work closely with other teams for a holistic approach.
Self-help resources
Our patient information leaflets self-help resources to support your health and wellbeing.