If you are 4 weeks pregnant or more you need to book your antenatal care and birth with us. Please complete and submit a self-referral form.
You will need to allow up to 7 days for us to receive and process your referral. We will then arrange:
- your booking appointment with the Community Midwives (this may take place by phone)
- your first scan appointment.
Your first appointment with a midwife must take place by the time you are 10 weeks pregnant and before your scan.
Book your care with usFolic acid and vitamin D
It is recommended for all pregnant women and birthing people to take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid each day for 3 months prior to conception (if possible) until the 12th week of pregnancy. This is to reduce the risk of problems in the baby’s development in the early weeks of pregnancy.
For some women and birthing people a higher dose of folic acid maybe advised of 5 milligrams (mg) of folic acid for 3 months prior to conception (if possible) until the 12th week of pregnancy. This includes:
- If you or the baby’s biological father have a neural tube defect
- If you or the baby’s biological father have a family history of a neural tube defect such as spina biffida
- You have diabetes type 1 or 2
- If you have a BMI above 30.
Some women and birthing people maybe advised to take a higher dose of folic acid of 5 milligrams (mg) of folic acid for 3 months prior to conception (if possible) and for the whole of their pregnancy. This includes:
- If you have sickle cell disease, thalassaemia or thalassaemia trait
- You are taking anti-epilepsy medication
- You are taking mesalazine or olsalazine for inflammatory bowel disease
- You are taking anti-retroviral medicine for HIV.
If you are unsure then please read additional information below to see what is recommended for your individual circumstances. Please speak to your GP for a prescription or to seek advice if you are unsure.
It is also recommended that you take 10 micrograms (10mcg) of vitamin D a day throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Information is available online from:
Vitamins, minerals and supplements in pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)