A service for all health and social care staff in Sussex
We keep you up-to-date with your work and study by providing personalised evidence updates, journal alerts and bimonthly newsletters on health management and public health topics.
Log into KnowledgeShare (using an NHS OpenAthens username and password) to enter your professional interests and register for these emails.
On this page
Personalised evidence updates
We offer personalised evidence updates via KnowledgeShare. These are regular email updates alerting you to new publications in your fields of interest, both clinical and non-clinical. They can be adjusted to meet your specific needs.
Journal table of contents (ToC)
Sign up to receive emails whenever your favourite journals are published. These include the full table of contents so that you can access the articles you need.
KnowledgeShare alert newsletter
This bimonthly alert is a round-up of selected publications from the previous two months that support general healthcare management and service delivery.
Latest KnowledgeShare Alert (654kB pdf)
Register for updates
If you don’t have an OpenAthens account, complete the form below to tell us about your professional interests and receive evidence updates.
Updating your personal interests
Over time, your professional interests may change or expand. The team are always on hand to help you update these, but if you wish, it is possible to do this yourself by logging into KnowledgeShare (OpenAthens account required) The guide below will show you how.
Editing Personal Interests: A Guide for Library Members (358kB pdf)