Released 25 May 2023
Pursuant to my previous FOI “cost of strike cover”, sent on April 25, please could you confirm the amount of money the trust would have expected to spend (or estimates it would have spent) paying the wages of staff junior doctors who took BMA strike action if those who took action had worked their shifts as normal?
I want to work out if the trust spent more money to cover striking doctors’ shifts with additional labour than it would have done had the striking staff worked the shifts.
Information disclosed:
The Trust is currently processing the deductions for staff who undertook strike action in March 2023 and April 2023 in the June 2023 payroll cycle.
The June 2023 payroll cycle has not been completed and therefore this information will not be available until the June 2023 payroll cycle has been finalised and full analysis of the payroll data has been undertaken.
Since the information you are seeking is not currently held by the Trust, it is not available under the Act at this time.