There are several courses now available on iris provided by EIDO Healthcare, a resource used by the Trust to help inform the consent process.
This course is short and interactive covering the basic principles of informed consent using case scenarios, videos and quizzes. The course examines notable court cases and explains how healthcare professionals can learn from them.
This course uses problem-based learning, identifying legal issues in clinical situations and explaining how they should be tackled, to steer learners towards an understanding of informed consent. There are four modules that cover the core fundamentals of consent to treatment: Consent and the Law, Consent in Practice, Consent and Capacity, Consent and End-of-Life Issues. At the end of the course, users can take the final assessment made up of multiple choice questions. The course has been accredited for CPD points by the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) and The CPD Certification Service.
Courses in emergency medicine, obstetrics and paediatrics where consent may be more complex.
For further information please contact Sharon Springham, Senior Librarian.
Sharon Springham
Email [email protected]